News & Updates

Cultural Infrastructure Grant - City of Vancouver - deadline March 11

Ontario Non Profit Sector challenged with massive systems transformations

Read the 2019 Ontario Non-Profit Network Sector 360 Survey. The survey raises concerns about the impact of budget cuts on people  who most need support - refugees, newcomers, children in after-school care and individuals living on low incomes. In response non-profits increase their commitment to communication with other organizations to find solutions.

Download the free report.

New Resource Added - Land for the Many

 This compilation of recommendations proposes radical but practical changes in the way land in the UK is used and governed.

WORKSHOPS: Financial Aspects of Renting, Leasing & Owning Space

The Social Purpose Real Estate Collaborative, in partnership with the City of North Vancouver, Vancouver, Richmond, Surrey, Nanaimo and Victoria, is offering a series of capacity building workshops for nonprofit and social enterprise organizations in those municipalities. 

If you are in a leadership position of a nonprofit or a social enterprise and would like to know more about how to avoid paying extra expenses in your rental, leasing or licensing agreements, then please apply today! Application deadlines are this Monday, November 25 for the Nanaimo workshop, and Friday November 29th for all other workshops. 

For more information and to apply to attend a workshop, go to

City of North Vancouver joins the SPRE Table

SPRE is delighted to welcome the City of North Vancovuer to the Social Pupose Real Estate Collaborative. CNV joins the cities of Vancouver, Surry, Richmond, Victoria and Nanaimo--all areas of the Province facing affordablity issues that significantly impact the ablity of non profits and social enterprises to do their amazing and vital work. 

In all the SPRE Table now numbers nineteen funders and investors committee to mitigating the impacts of the real estate market on non profits and social enterprises and helping them with their real estate needs. 

Who is SPRE?
BC Housing  –  Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation  –  Canadian Heritage  –  Central City Foundation  –  City of North Vancouver,  Nanaimo,  Richmond,  Surrey,  Victoria &  Vancouver (Housing, Social Policy & Culture)  –  Community Impact Real Estate Society  –  Community Land Trust  –  Metro Vancouver  –  Real Estate Foundation of BC  –  Renewal Partners  –  Vancity Community Foundation & Credit Union

CapacityBuild to work with SPRE on the RENT LEASE OWN Research Study

The Social Purpose Real Estate Collaborative (SPRE) and the Real Estate Institute of BC (REIBC) are pleased to announce that CapacityBuild Consulting has been selected for the RENT – LEASE – OWN: Understanding the Real Estate Challenges Affecting the Non-profit/Social Purpose Sector research study. CapacityBuild has distinguished themselves as leaders in the non-profit/social purpose finance and real estate sectors over the course of a decade of work in BC and across Canada.

RENT – LEASE – OWN is a major study looking at the impacts of the real estate market on non-profits and social enterprises. A joint project of REIBC and SPRE, with participation by the Cities of Nanaimo, North Vancouver, Richmond, Surrey, Vancouver and Victoria, RENT LEASE OWN is supported by The Real Estate Foundation of BC, BC Housing, Vancity, the Land Economics Society– Vancouver Chapter, the Community Impact Real Estate Society, City of Victoria, REIBC, and SPRE members. For more information:

Land Economics Society joins REFBC, Vancity and others in supporting "Rent Lease Own"

With gratitude to all the funders, SPRE welcomes the Land Economics Society - Vancouver Chapter to the funding team supporting the upcoming research study, Rent - Lease - Own: Understanding the Real Estate Challenges Affecting the Nonprofit / Social Purpose Sectors. 

Rent - Lease - Own is a project of the Social Purpose Real Estate Collaborative working with our awesome partners the Real Estate Institue of BC. Current funders include: Real Estate Foundation of BC, BC Housing, Vancity, Community Impact Real Estate Society and Land Economics Society LAI - Vancouver Chapter. 

Interested in supporting this ground breaking research into social purpose real estate? Don't hesitate to get in touch! SPRE

Vancouver Island Joins the SPRE Table with Victoria and Nanaimo - New SPRE members!

Affordablity is not just a Vancouver issue. That has been the case for some time--with challenges for community space, non profits and social enterprises creeping upwards through the Sea to Sky and Sunshine Coast regions, outwards through Metro Vancouver, and now over to Vancouver Island. Joining the Table this Fall are the cities of Victoria and Nanaimo--champions for thinking about these issues in the Island context. SPRE is thrilled to have their perspective and energy added to the already dynamic group of leaders at the SPRE Table seeking to mitigate the impacts of the real estate market on non profits and social enterprises.  

Welcoming the Community Land Trust to the SPRE Collaborative

SPRE is delighted to welcome another new member to the Collaborative Table, bringing total Collabortive members to 18! Like BC Housing and CMHC, the Community Land Trust has a housing focus, but seeks to nest that within a larger spectrum of affordable, suitable space for community. SPRE is not a 'housing - primary' Collaborative, but with our shared learning action approach, are able to break down silos and look at social purpose real estate from a complex, holistic and inclusive perspective. SPRE members work together to make a difference for non profits and social enterprises, and ultimately for the communities they serve.  Welcome CLT and all of the recent new members to SPRE!!

NEW SPRE Collaborative Members -- Metro Vancouver & City of Surrey

The SPRE Collaborative is delighted to welcome Metro Vancouver and the City of Surrey Planning & Development & Parks, Recreation, Culture to the Table. SPRE now numbers 16 organziational members and over 30 individual representatives from our estemed groups of funders and investors. Check them out on our "About" page!
