Representing 632 facilities and spaces across the 'affordablity-challenged' areas of BC, the 2021 Space for Community (S4C) Study reveals barriers faced by not-for-profits, social enterprises and artists in securing and retaining spaces for their programs and services.
With rent costs increasing up to 35% since SPRE's last study in 2013, the situation continues to distract and displace vital commnity organizations, programs and services--a crisis worsened by the Covid19 Pandemic.
For more information and to access the S4C Research and S4C Final Reports, click here
Following the release of the Space for Community Final Report, SPRE and its municipal members hosted a series of webinars exploring key topics highlighted in the study.
You can watch the recordings of the 3 events HERE!
Equity, INCLUSION AND RECONCILiATION IN the real estate and social purpose real estate sectors
Let's challenge systems of injustice and discrimination together!
SPRE has embarked on a learning journey to understand and reflect on the bias and discrimination long existing in the Real Estate sector. The aim of this journey is to understand the harm that has been, and is, created through such bias and discrimination, and to support the social purpose sector, its allies and partners, to create alternative real estate structures/systems. SPRE seeks to enable a culture for the sector and itself guided by equity, inclusion and reconciliation.
Through a partnership with the University of British Columbia's Sustainability Scholar Program, SPRE developed a research on real estate through the lens of equity, inclusion and reconciliation.
For more information and to access the full report, click here
- Space for Community Final Report, April 2021, CapacityBuild Consulting for the Social Purpose Real Estate Collaborative and Real Estate Insitute of BC
- Space for Community Webinar Series, June 2021. Watch the recordings here.
- Space for Community Workshops Financial Aspects of Renting, Leasing and Licensing Space with Martha Burton, 2019-20 in Vancouver, Victoria, Nanaimo, Surrey, City North Vancouver and Richmond
- Space for Community Research Report, Ocober 2020, CapacityBuild Consulting for the Social Purpose Real Estate Collaborative and the Real Estate Insitute of BC
- Space for Communnity, Phoenix Group of Planners, Architects, Real Estate Professionals, Vancouver
- Land for Community Benefit Forum, Partnership with the Housing Research Collaborative, Vancouver
- Space 4 Community Metro Vancouver Regional Planning Social Issues Subcommittee, Burnaby
- Building Communities Through Social Purpose Real Estate & Heritage Partnerships, Heritage BC Webinar, BC
- Building a Social Purpose Real Estate Strategy, United Church Properties, Victoria
- Partnerships and Collaboration, School of Community & Regional Planning, UBC
- City Vancouver Employment Lands and Economy Review – Advisory Committee
- RENT – LEASE – OWN, Metro Vancouver Regional Planning Social Issues Subcommittee, Burnaby
- Building a Social Purpose Real Estate Strategy, Anglican Diocese Kootenays, Kelowna
- Social Purpose Real Estate, City of Vancouver Planning Commission
- Social Purpose Real Estate, Vancouver Round Table
- Social Purpose Real Estate, Vancouver Board of Trade, Regional/Civic Affairs Committee,
- New Normal: Building Collaborations & Partnerships for Social Impact Land Use Projects & Risk & Return on Investment in Social Purpose Real Estate, 2019 Land Summit, Vancouver
- City Vancouver Employment Lands and Economy Review – Advisory Committee
- City for All Summit, City of Vancouver Planning Commission
- Collaborate to Accelerate! Small Housing Summit, Vancouver
- Hero Work Panel on Non Profit/Chairty Needs for Real Estate, Victoria
- Space for Cutlure at "Unrestricted" BC Alliance for Arts & Culture & Greater Vancouver Professional Theatre Association Conference; graphic recording by Annalee Kornelsen, Vancouver
- Finding Community Spaces in an Increasingly Crowded City, IMPACT West: A Forum for Foundations, Non-Profits and Charitable Organizations, Vancouver
- Resiliency & Sustainability Through Social Purpose Real Estate, National Executive Forum on Public Property, Vancouver
- Social Purpose Real Estate: Solutions for Victoria NPOs, Hosted by Social Innovation Centre, Vancity and Victoria Foundation, Victoria
- Place, Invitational Discussion in preparation for 2018 National Conveying, Vancouver
- Enhance Mission, Capital and Operations with SPRE Partnerships, BC Non-Profit Housing Association Conference, Housing Central, Richmond
- Partnership Exploration, Housing Partnership Conference, Richmond
- SPRE Symposium: Demystifying Real Estate for Non Profits and Social Enterprise with "Intelligent Leasing", "Finding the Money", "Planning for Space" ISSofBC Welcome House, Vancouver
- SPRE / Non Profit Centers Network Conference: Building Opportunities and Connecting Possibilities, Vancouver
- SPRE Mini Workshops: "To Hold/ To Sell/ To Develop", "Functional Programming for Non Profit Organizations","ABC's of Development", "Leasing or Buying--Colocation or Solo", Vancouver
- SPRE Conference: "Our Places Our Spaces", Vancouver
- 2017 Housing Central / BC Non Profit Housing Conference Bursaries, Richmond
- 2015 Building Opportunities Conference Bursaries, Vancouver
- 2013 Building Opportunities Conference Bursaries, Denver
- 2011 Building Opportunities Conference Bursaries, Los Angeles
- 2010 Our Places Our Spaces Conference Bursaries, Vancouver